Is roulette your game at the casino? The betting options, the spinning roulette wheel and the overall look of the gaming table. All in all, a beautiful picture. Always wanted to own a roulette table? Cozy evenings with friends around a real luxury roulette table? This is your chance, what you are not allowed to touch in the casino is now your property and you fill the role of croupier. Our luxurious and beautiful roulette table we give a second life and after giving it a make over are as good as new, our roulette table are from foreign casinos and are now available for you.


On this page you will find our offer of beautiful second hand roulette tables. We offer complete and still very nice roulette tables at affordable prices. The roulette tables below are mostly from foreign casinos that we have given a complete makeover in our warehouse. Here and there a small scratch or small damage but otherwise very nice and luxurious roulette tables.

#1 - Roulette table

€ 12,500 excluding 21% VAT

Gorgeous roulette table from the very bekeden and exclusive brand Abbiatie Torino. This roulette table is unique and there is only 1 of them. With its striking color combination and attention to detail, you and your guests will stand as professionals at this fantastic roulette table.

The table is very solid and very heavy. This is truly a unique item to put down in a permanent place and enjoy for years to come.

The roulette table is sold complete with everything included for immediate play.

This table spent 2 days at a very exclusive fair in Monaco so it is as good as new. Something for you? It is in our showroom, so if you want to come and have a look you are welcome.

Sizes: 285 x 125 x 0.95 cm

Delivery is possible at an additional cost a € 0.85 p/km

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#2 - Roulette table

€3,750 excluding 21% VAT

Beautiful, professional and good looking Roulette gaming table. Features a beautiful red playing field, gold cup holders and a solid wood base for extra strength and a brass feet support. This roulette table came from a cruise boat that went out of business. A roulette table with a story ... many international celebrities have stood and played at this fanatic table.

In short, a unique specimen for a very special place! Something for you?

The roulette table comes complete.

  • Length 285 cm / Width 125/160 cm / Height 85 cm
  • Roulette cylinders 82 cm (professional size)
  • Chips
  • Pawn
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#3 - Roulette table

€2,500 excluding 21% VAT

Nice "simple" roulette tafe. This table is slightly smaller than the models above. Also in terms of weight, this table is a lot lighter than our other models. As you can see this roulette table has 4 wooden legs which are easy to assemble/disassemble. In short, a nice roulette table for a mobile casino or event center/location. With the advantage that this roulette table can be moved easily and quickly.

The roulette table comes complete.

  • Length 250 cm / Width 125/150 cm / Height 85 cm
  • Roulette cylinder 82 cm (professional size)
  • Chips
  • Pawn

Delivery at an additional cost a € 0.85 p/km

Please note this roulette table has some discoloration on the playfield and there is some user scratches/nicks in the sky leather edge.

* New roulette layout: €250
* Have layout assembled by us: € 200
* New sky leather trim +/- € 350

IMG 5206